Sunday, June 19, 2016

Make America Great Again? Here's How...

The time is now for a reformation of Biblical proportion. The church must arise and lead out in a world looking to anything and just about anyone for leadership. God has given us the greatest leadership manual and roadmap to see real change in the hearts and lives of people in His Word. Quit focusing on "Making America Great Again" and instead focus on making the Name of Jesus great in America! These are the last days and God is looking for the faithful who will once again in the words of Isaiah say, "Here Am I Send Me"! I (Christian Watts) am too a man of unclean lips but I have been cleansed by the blood of the lamb! I want my later days to be greater than my former days so that as God works in and through me many will be drawn to the Hope that is Jesus. He is calling out His faithful to be obedient by taking this Hope we hold within us to those who have no hope. I am ready... I am excited! God goes before me! Who among you will also say, "Here Am I Send Me"? 
Blessings, Pastor Christian Watts

Thursday, April 28, 2016

I am not perfect but I know Who is...

I do not claim to be perfect. In fact, I am a complete failure in and of myself. If you are looking for perfection in me because the title "Pastor" or "Minister" is associated with me, I am afraid you will be terribly disappointed. However, I know Who is perfect and because of Him, I stand redeemed and have answered God's call on my life to be His servant in full time ministry.
I do not take this call lightly because at the end of the day I have to put my head on my pillow each and every night and know that I did my best to honor God with everything I did for that day. Do I fail? Yes! Does Christ forgive? Yes! And He helps me through my failures to learn, grow, and to be more like Him!
We sing hymns like, "Oh How I love Jesus" but truth be told most did not love Him or even come close to liking Him when He walked this earth. Why? He spoke the truth and focused on one thing... glorifying His Father in Heaven.
Jesus was bold in His ministry. We must be bold too! Satan is bold in His conquest to draw people away from the truth. We must be bolder yet by proclaiming the truth and standing up for what we believe to be right no matter the cost.
I am blessed to be employed as the Pastor of Worship at FBC Tullahoma but I want to be clear... At the end of the day it is Jesus alone that I serve, trust, and will seek to glorify and honor; not man or any group of persons.
Is it my desire to lead people to be closer to Jesus? Yes. Is it my desire to see people trust Christ as Savior? Yes! However, both of these are impossible for me on my own. They can only happen when in my worship, life, and ministry, I seek to glorify my Father in Heaven. In doing this... I will not be liked by all... my faith will be tested... I will make mistakes... But I will not quit! I will press on and I will serve my God Who first loved me, and Who will always love me! And I will do so until I see the face of the One who paid my ransom...Jesus. Because of Him and His strenght I can do all things! Glory to God! John 16:33, Matthew 5:16

Sunday, March 20, 2016

My Random Opinions regarding the Church and Serving

In MY opinion, based on 25 years of ministry experience in a variety of churches, I will say this... 1. 20% of the people provide 100% of the servant leadership in most churches; 2. The folks who are between ages 28-45 seem to serve the least of all age groups.  3. The millennial generation and generation Z want to serve and to be a part of a church that not only "talks the talk" they "walk the walk".  They don't want to, nor have time to simply attend church, they want to be a part of a church that lives out what it says it believes, otherwise they would rather not attend church at all. Of course there are those who cannot serve in the way they would like to because of health issues or otherwise. But these make up a small portion of the overall global church (body) of Christ.  What is needed most to encourage people to serve? A clear vision and mission along with the hopeful outcome.  No vision + no mission = no purpose (goal).  People want to know the what and why of what they are doing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Belt is Broken

When I was a child I often times heard of the south being referred to as the "Bible Belt". I believe we must face the reality that the belt is no longer what it once was and in all reality is completely broken. We as Christians have no one to blame but ourselves. It is becoming ever more obvious that the people of these United States are looking for hope. We can no longer afford to keep the "Hope" that we hold in our hearts silent. We must go and share this "Hope" that is Jesus Christ to a country that hurting, lost, and beaten-down. Our next president will not fix the problems of this country as they can only be fixed by the One who holds the whole world in His hands and that being Jesus Christ. If we desire to see true change in people, and in this country, we must no longer hold back the Hope that resides in us. We must get out and let our voice be heard. It is time for the voice in the wilderness to once again cry out. The voice that says, Jesus Christ is coming soon and He is the only Hope for America!  PCW

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Real Change

Change takes time and is reflected in our actions not our words.  When we truly desire to change we want people to know that "we have changed".  We can say it, but true change is only demonstrated in our long term actions.  If we have to say we have changed to try to convince others we have changed, we probably have the "want to" but the truth about whether we have truly changed will only be proven over time (and we want it to be done/proven now).  Our biggest enemies in truly desiring to change? 1. The fact that change is rarely instant, in that although we have the "want to" we may likely fall again before we truly live as a changed individual. 2. The second is possibly more painful than the first, and is summed up in one word... Consequences.  For every action there are consequences, especially when our past was defined by a string of poor choices. Consequences may affect us for a small portion of our lives or for the remainder of our lives depending on the severity of what we did in our past. The good news… We can change and we can be different by the power of the Holy Spirit! Only trusting in Jesus brings about true change that is reflected in our hearts and minds and ultimately in our lives. And when we learn to daily walk with Him, what once was the old us will fade away and the new us will become who we are. That is real change!  And people will notice, and we won't have to tell them we've changed. PCW