Sunday, March 20, 2016

My Random Opinions regarding the Church and Serving

In MY opinion, based on 25 years of ministry experience in a variety of churches, I will say this... 1. 20% of the people provide 100% of the servant leadership in most churches; 2. The folks who are between ages 28-45 seem to serve the least of all age groups.  3. The millennial generation and generation Z want to serve and to be a part of a church that not only "talks the talk" they "walk the walk".  They don't want to, nor have time to simply attend church, they want to be a part of a church that lives out what it says it believes, otherwise they would rather not attend church at all. Of course there are those who cannot serve in the way they would like to because of health issues or otherwise. But these make up a small portion of the overall global church (body) of Christ.  What is needed most to encourage people to serve? A clear vision and mission along with the hopeful outcome.  No vision + no mission = no purpose (goal).  People want to know the what and why of what they are doing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Belt is Broken

When I was a child I often times heard of the south being referred to as the "Bible Belt". I believe we must face the reality that the belt is no longer what it once was and in all reality is completely broken. We as Christians have no one to blame but ourselves. It is becoming ever more obvious that the people of these United States are looking for hope. We can no longer afford to keep the "Hope" that we hold in our hearts silent. We must go and share this "Hope" that is Jesus Christ to a country that hurting, lost, and beaten-down. Our next president will not fix the problems of this country as they can only be fixed by the One who holds the whole world in His hands and that being Jesus Christ. If we desire to see true change in people, and in this country, we must no longer hold back the Hope that resides in us. We must get out and let our voice be heard. It is time for the voice in the wilderness to once again cry out. The voice that says, Jesus Christ is coming soon and He is the only Hope for America!  PCW