Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Call to Dependence

As you know, July 4th is known as Independence Day, a day commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence, a document declaring our independence from Great Britain. However, as I think about this great land of ours what comes to mind is not the word independence but rather the word “Dependence”. I mean we certainly are a nation made up of “independence”, so much so that we are losing our dependence on the one critical thing this nation was founded upon and that being “In God We Trust”. I think it’s time for Christian’s to take a stand and say “Enough is Enough” and begin taking back this land that our forefather’s fought so hard for in the name of God for freedom.

Freedom? Are we even truly free? I am convinced that what we don’t realize, what we have become almost blinded to, is the fact that our nation is more in chains than ever before, and what binds us are the powers of hell that literally steal our freedom, our homes, our families, our churches, our children, our marriages, our joy, and our hope when we fail to live by the words “In God We Trust”. This nation was founded by Godly men with Godly principles. 52 of the 55 men who signed the Declaration of Independence called themselves Christians. I think we would be hard pressed to find 52 men in government leadership today who would profess to be a genuine follower of Christ.

I’m tired of hearing Christian’s talk about the moral decline in our country. Talk is cheap! What we need are Christian’s who back up their talk with action. Few wars are won with only words! And while I’m on my soapbox, let me say that pastors need to step up to the plate and preach God’s Word for what it is. Quit watering things down, trying to be “culturally relevant”, and being more concerned about offending someone than you are with delivering God’s Word in its fullness. If you preach it, it will step on toes, it will bring conviction, it will offend people, but it will also lead them to the foot of the cross where there is more grace and more mercy than you can ever serve them by trying to please them.

Christian, this year as people all over this great land celebrate Independence Day, I want to encourage you celebrate “Dependence Day”. In fact, I believe everyday should be Dependence Day, as daily we depend on God and not on ourselves to meet our every need. And my prayer is that people everywhere from the church house to the White House would once again hear freedom ring from the highest hill… a hill where my Savior bled and died for the cause of freedom.  Freedom for you and for me.

Freedom isn’t free. However, freedoms price has been paid and it’s time to declare it once again from sea to shining sea!

Galatians 5:1 - It is for freedom that Christ has set us free! Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

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