Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Some thoughts on Philippians 3...

Like children we constantly need to be reminded of who we are to be in Christ.  Since the majority of Christian live in a word where 363 (there is 365 hours in a week, I'll give us 2 for being in church) hours of their week are spent around things that are contrary to the very nature and purposes of Christ, we need to be reminded constantly of who we are supposed to be in Him. This is why we see Paul reminding us of many of the same things over and over again.  Although we are in Christ our natural nature is still that of sin.

I believe that one of the primary goals of trusting in Christ should be to know Him. That is, to know Christ in a personal relationship, and also to know the power of His resurrection— the power Christ exerts even now from the right hand of God.

This power is made known as we share in the same kind of sufferings that Jesus faced—the kind of suffering that comes when we share the good news of Jesus Christ to a fallen world. A world that continues to reject Him, mock Him, deny Him.

A world where for many Christian’s being accepted by someone is often more important than sharing Jesus with them because we are afraid of rejection or what they might think of us… But let me just say this…

Who cares what people think! We need to be more concerned with what our Heavenly Father thinks!

I mean, when you really think about it, if were really going to be honest, not telling someone about Jesus because were afraid they might not like us or reject us, is kinda like watching someone with a potentially curable disease slowly die while you hold the potential antidote that if they chose to take it would cure them. It’s ok though cause they’ll never know you have it right?

If we truly want to know Christ, to be His disciples, to follow Him, then we must be willing to share in the fellowship of His sufferings.  Sound tough?  Sound harsh?  It is.

I am convinced that one of the biggest misconception fed to the church is that coming to Christ makes "everything better" right here, right now.... Not necessarily true!  Oh, there is a hope, there will come a day where there will be no more sorrow, no more pain... a day where our bodies will be transformed to become like Christ glorious body, and I long for that day....

However, for now I am called to rejoice in my sufferings for His sake.  To keep my eyes on the goal, the prize that is more about the kingdom than it is about me.

If we want to change our communities, our cities, our world... It's time for Christian's to suffer.  And yet somehow as we suffer we will rejoice!  And so will many others whose lives will be changed as they too become sufferers for Christ because we were willing to identify with Him!

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