Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ten Things that you can do to make this coming weekend a Great One!!

Written especially for the those who live in and around Pittsburgh on this grand weekend of November 4 -6 2011 by Christian Watts

1. Make time for a friend or family member who’s not expecting you to do so.  Nothing tells someone that you love them or care for them more than the giving of your time for them.
2. Either just as the sun rises or just as the sun sets read Psalms 19. Afterwards, take a few minutes to thank God for His creation, and commit yourself afresh and anew to trust in Him and to seek to glorify Him with your life.
3. Instead of watching another episode of “whatever”, turn off the TV and do something really old school.  Play a board game with the family, play cards, work on a puzzle, build a model, paint your dog and/or cats nails!   You’ll be a better person for doing so (except maybe the paint the nails part).
4. Give the computer, smartphone, Facebook and email a day off!  It wasn’t that long ago that we lived without these things and we actually did just fine!  Give them a break, and give yourself a break in the process!
5. Take a walk and enjoy the warmth and the sunshine!  You know what’s coming… enjoy the nice weather while it’s here!
6. Get er done!  You know that little project that needs finished?  That thing that needs fixed?  Get it done!  Having stuff like that hanging over your head only creates stress and more headaches for the future.
7. Get up and get out!  Do something different this weekend… go somewhere and have fun!  And guys, I’m not talking about driving your wife out to Cabella’s so you can shop for cameo…  However, if you can work in dinner at Crackerbarrel, you might just have a “win-win”.
8.  Rake your leaves, make a big pile, and then jump in!  In other words, do something that brings that kid in you back to life!
9. Call or write a hand written note to a long lost friend, family member, parent, or loved one.  Email and texting is so impersonal.  Who haven’t you reached out to in a while that would be good for you to connect with?  Come on, do it!
10.  Make it a priority to gather with your church family on Sunday.  I’ve said it time and time before… we need each other!  We need to love on one another, support one another, to hold one another accountable…  Folks, the church is YOU and when YOU are not there WE are missing something!  I hope you will make it a priority to see that you and your family are in church this Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Great list Christian! Thanks for sharing it. ;o) Will do!
