Monday, May 18, 2009

Working on getting 3 F's!

Yeah, you read right! I am hoping to get 3 F's solidified and prioritized in my life and I'm not ashamed to tell you. Or maybe I should say THE 3 F's. Those being Faith, Family, and Friends.

Well, now that I've got your attention I want point out what Christ said was the greatest commandment and it is found in Matthew 22:37-40 and it says...

Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Faith. Our faith and trust in God has to be our number one focus in life. I am convinced that so many people look at having a "relationship with God" as some sort of restriction or bondage when actually having a relationship with God brings freedom! If we strive to live for Him by honoring His word, prayer, and daily worship, we find freedom from the trappings of this world and from the chains of sin. The apostle Paul said he would much rather be in chains for Christ than to be held captive by the world's standard of freedom (paraphrase). If our faith in God is first, then I truly believe all else will fall into place.

Family. "Love Your Neighbor". I don't know about you but my closest neighbor is one door jam away and that being my son. Actually, my wife is even closer as we actually share a room. I know, shocking isn't it! My family is my 2nd priority in life! I have a responsibility to take care of my family spiritually, financially, and in all things security. They are my first and foremost neighborly priority and yet many times we treat people across the street with more respect than the one's living under our roof! We will stand and listen to our neighbor talk about sports, lawn problems, or whatever; then we come in to our homes and seclude ourselves from, or be rude to our family. No wonder the family is becoming an endangered species.

Friends. As I wrote in an earlier post, I do believe that the average person has very few true friends. You know, those you can really count on when life gets messy & tough? We all need friends and we all have a desire for friendship whether we want to admit it or not. Some manly men don't want to admit they need friends. Are your friendships dependant on whether a person likes you back, or are you willing to be a friend regardless of whether or not the feeling is mutual? Do you think of others more than you think of yourself? Will you respond with integrity even when someone has done something to tick you off or has hurt your feelings? Are you willing to give and expect nothing in return? This is just a snapshot of the kind of friend our Savior was and is. I want to be like Him! I want to be like Christ.

Me, Christ? Not even close. But that is who I want to be. Isn't it He who we should all want to be like? Wasn't it Christ that honored His Father by not giving into temptation and by continually reminding us during His earthly ministry that He was about His father's business? Wasn't it Christ that constantly put Himself 2nd so that others might be served and see God as love?

Faith, Family, Friends. 3 F's that my Heavenly Father can be proud of!


1 comment:

  1. you sure He wont be proud of a few of my F's?
    -math homework
    -economics notes

    haha just kidding. (except gym. Its easy to not turn in the independent study sheets!)

    Great post Christian. Thankyou for sharing. The Family and Friends parts really spoke to me.
