Thursday, March 28, 2013

Marriage and Homosexuality: What I REALLY think

Over the past several days I have been pretty vocal on social media regarding my stance to protect the definition of marriage as being that of one man and one woman coming together under one God.  I stand firm on this because I believe the Bible clearly defines marriage in this way.  God created man and woman uniquely, yet only when they come together can the "two become one flesh" and a new life (a baby) develop from the two. 

Let me say right here and upfront that I do not hate homosexuals. In fact, I have many friends who are openly gay.  I love and care about them as I do any of my friends.  We may not agree on some key issues; however that should not, and does not mean that I should hate them nor bash them (and I will not do either nor support those who do).

Someone recently asked me this question: "Can someone who has practiced a homosexual lifestyle get into heaven?"  My answer was and is this: "Getting into heaven isn't about anything we do, have done, or didn't do.  Getting into heaven is about having accepted Christ sacrifice on our behalf, and trusting in Him for salvation".  Romans 3:23 tells us that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".  When we start labeling one sin as worse than another sin we begin playing God by judging others.  Only God can and will judge sin.  The question comes, "Do you have someone, The Righteous One (Jesus), standing in the "sin gap" for you on your behalf? 

Do I believe that practicing homosexuality is a sin? Yes (Romans 1:18-32).  Do I believe that having sex outside of marriage is a sin? Yes (I Corinthians 7:2).  Do I believe that lying is a sin? Yes (Exodus 20:16).  The point being that all of these things (and more) are sins.  They all separate us from God and all come with a severe penalty which the Bible tells us is death and eternal separation from God.  The only way any one of us can escape this penalty is by having made Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and in doing so have repented of our sins and strive daily to live our lives for Christ and not for our earthly, fleshly desires.

Do I believe someone is sinning just because they have homosexual tendencies or feelings?  No.  Do I believe that someone is sinning if they practice homosexuality? Yes.  What we do when we are tempted by sin is what matters (James 1:14-15).  All of us will be tempted to sin.  And what is sin?  Anything contrary to the nature, will, or purposes of God.  We all sin and we are all sinners, period.

God created man and God created woman.  From the very beginning God brought them together to help one another and to be soul mates.  A man's body and a woman's body were created in such a way that they (going to get graphic here) "naturally fit together".  And only when a man and a woman come together can a child be conceived.

Marriage is and should be a COVENANT between one man and one woman under God.  Why do so many marriages fail?  I see two main reasons: One, the marriage was not seen as a covenant relationship that is for better or worse.  Two, someone in the relationship broke the covenant. 

I have been married to my wonderful wife Kelleye for 19 years this April 2, 2013.  I can give testimony that when a marriage covenant is made under God it can be a beautiful and wonderful thing.  It does take work but it is worth it!  And just like any thing that is worth anything it has rules that when followed help to make the marriage all God intended it to be.  Ephesians Chapter 5 is where the Apostle Paul lays out God's rules for the husband and the wife.  And just like other principles in the Bible, these rules are not meant to make us slaves but rather to make us free!  Only under God can we truly have freedom and experience abundant life; life the way the creator and sustainer of the universe intended it to be.

I do not support gay marriage because I do not believe it is Biblical.  In other words, I do not believe that gay marriage represents marriage as God intended it to be.  Somewhere in this country we have to begin drawing lines as to what is and what is not morally acceptable.  We live in a culture where if it feels good, do it!  What feels good isn't always what is right.  Just ask any heroin or cocaine addict who has seen their life go down the tubes for what "felt good".

Throughout history laws and boundaries have been set in order for people to not do whatever "felt good" or "came natural".  I mean, who hasn't felt like punching someone in the face??!!  Will there come a day when I can just do that or worse because "I have a right to do so"?  You say, "No that's just wrong".  Well, 10 to 20 years ago the thought of gay marriage was "just wrong".  What will be next?  Where will we draw the line when it comes to compromising moral standards?

So what's my bottom line?  I believe that the institution of marriage should be reserved for that of one man and one woman coming together in a covenant relationship under God.  That's how I believe the Bible defines marriage and therefore that is where I will stand.

It's often easier to turn away from the realities around us than it is to stand up for what we believe is right.  I am thankful for the men and women who have gone before me and have stood firmly on Godly principles that allow me to worship freely in these United States.  Today I take my stand along with those who have gone before for what I believe to be right, true, and under God!

In God (and His Word) We Trust!

Christian Watts

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