Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Are you Content to be Content?

Lately I have been struggling through the question, "Is it ok for a Christian to be content?" To phrase it another way, "Is contentment ever a goal for the Christian?"

This morning as I pondered on this a bit more the answer came to me... NO!  Well, maybe...
One might look at a passage such as Philippians 4:12-13 and argue that it is ok for a Christian to be content because the Apostle Paul stated that he was content.
In Philippians 4:12-13 Paul says, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength”.

There are two key phrases in verse 13 that simply cannot be glossed over. The first is “can do”.  These two words evoke action.  Paul is stating that there is nothing He can’t do because in Christ strength He can do “all things” which is our second key phrase.  Paul CAN DO ALL THINGS through Christ who gives Him strength.  Therefore Paul was doing everything and anything God had called him to do.  He was worshipping, sharing his faith, serving others, praying, and so much more.  He was only content in the fact that with the power of Christ in Him “all things are absolutely possible”.
In chapter 3 of this same letter, Paul speaks of His life in the frame of running a race and pressing on towards the goal of winning the prize for which God had called heavenward in Christ Jesus.  In other words, contentment for Paul was not a matter of being satisfied that he had done enough.  There was no ministry retirement for Paul and there shouldn’t be any for you or I either.  The old song says, “We’ll work till Jesus Comes” and that’s exactly how we ought to live out every day of our lives until we too are called heavenward in Christ Jesus.
So here are a few questions for you to ask yourself…

1.      Are you content with being content?  Or are you willing to do whatever it is God might be calling you to do no matter what age you might be, or what limitations you might have?

2.      What is God calling you to do that you need to believe He has the strength to help you follow through with?  Whatever it is I encourage you in the name of Christ and in the strength of Christ alone to step out in faith and do it!  If God is your strength, you can do whatever He is calling you to do.  You have to believe and have faith!

3.      Is your ministry service in a rut?  In other words are you serving in an area that has become comfortable to serve in yet the ministry isn’t showing much fruit or might even be dying? Have you considered that God might have a totally different area or place for you to be serving in?  It is very easy to become content in our serving yet be unfulfilled because we are content to serve in a ministry that has dried up and died.  Serving in an area where no fruit comes only leaves the server tired, frustrated, and unfulfilled, and the harvest just as plentiful as it was before.

4.      Have you retired from serving?  Maybe you already did your time?  As an old saying goes in the south… HOGWASH! There is no retiring when it comes to ministry.  I really wonder sometimes about people who do nothing more than come to church and never get involved in serving.  Either the church is doing something wrong by not helping them find a place to serve or they have a distorted picture of serving. I’ve seen both.

In conclusion, the Apostle Paul was content.  However, he was only content in the fact that his “doing” would be fruitful because He realized that anything he did in the power of Christ would always result in a favorable outcome. 

Don’t be content to be content.  Only be content to do something awesome for the Kingdom and cause of Christ!
Christian Watts

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