Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The rest of your life comes down to this…

CHOICES... Life is all about choices.  There are those who look back on their life and see a history of poor choices, and their life in turn reflects this.  There are others who look back on their lives and see a history of good choices and their life in turn reflects this.  Some will continue making poor choices which will continue leading them down a dark and dreary path.  Some will continue to make good choices which will continue leading them on to better days and better things. 
Now, the kicker in all of this is that either one of the above persons can choose to change and in an instant their life can be turned upside down or right side up. 
I have seen many who after years of good choices fall into temptation, maybe making even just one poor choice that in turn alters their lives forever.  On the other hand I have seen some, and I say “some” because not many will choose to do so, who after a life of poor choices put a stake in the ground and say, "No more!"  They turn from making poor choices and begin making good choices and their life path is altered for the better.
Lamentations 3:23 tells us that “Gods mercies are new every morning”.  Joshua 24:15 says that we must “choose this day (meaning every single day) who we will serve”.
God’s mercies are new every morning, and today is a new day.  I want to encourage you to choose wisely in all you say and all that you do.  Some of you are facing HUGE choices.  Others are facing small choices that will have HUGE implications. Either way, before this day is over you will be faced with countless choices.
So how do we choose wisely? We can begin by asking ourselves questions like: What does scripture say about this choice?  Would I be ok if my spouse, family, friends, knew of my choice?  Would God be pleased with this choice?  How will this choice affect me, my family, and others around me in the years to come?  Did I pray about this choice?  Did I “listen” for God’s answer concerning this choice?  What is your “gut” feeling about this choice you are making?  What have others said about this choice I am making? Could this choice possibly hurt those I love most either indirectly or directly? And finally, using your brain God gave to you, simply ask yourself, “Is this a good choice or a bad choice?”
Life is about choices.  And what you choose today… everyday… will make all this difference!  So choose wisely.

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